Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Renungan: 1Thessalonians 5:16-28


1Thessalonians 5:16-28

Honestly speaking, it is not easy to give thanks in all circumstances. Only when everything is runing well, then we are able to give thanks easily.  When you are in good health, have a good position, and involved in good business activities, then you can say thanks a lot. But, when we are facing bad situation, difficulties, suffering, bank liquidation, sickness, and other problems, can you still say thanks for all of them?
But, God wants us, His children, to give thanks in all circumstances. That is one of the difference between a believer and non-biliever, between Christian and non-Christian. You have to remember, God does not want us to give thanks for all circumstances, but in all circumstances. We are not asked to thank Him for sickness. But, even though we are sick we are able to thank God that His healing power is always with us.
One day, on the way to his church, Matthew Henry, a great preacher in the seventeenth century, fell in to hands of robbers. Even though he was beaten, his money was stolen, he still continoued on his way to the church to preach. While he was preaching he gave this testimony. He said: “When I was walking to this church, I was robbed by robbers. But I thank God for four reasons. First, I thank God because I was only robbed, not killed. Second, I thank God because this is the first time I was robbed. Third, I thank God because they took only part of my money. Fourth, I thank God because they robbed me, I didn’t rob them. You see, Matthew Henry was able to give thanks in all circumstances. He was able to see the positive things within a negative condition.
Concerning giving thanks in everything, I would like to describe three kinds of people. First, there are many people who do not know how to give thanks. Do you remember the story about ten men with leprosy who ask Jesus to heal them? (Luk. 17:11-19). When Jesus healed them, how many of them came back to Jesus to give thanks? Only one, right! Nine of them (or ninety percent) didn’t know that they should thank Jesus for healing them. They went home as soon as possible. They probably celeberated their health with their families. That means that only a few people are willing to say thanks. Most people do not.  The essence of this story is this. The key to happiness and joy is not to expect that people will thank when you help them. If you expect people to say thank you help them, that proves that you are not mature yet in faith. And also if you expect people to thank you for your help you will be very dissappointed, when people do not do what you expect. So, it is better to always give help to people without expecting any thanks from them. Martin Luther said: “Good work has no name.”
Second, there are many people who want to give thanks superficiallya. Only lip service. Remember the story about a tax collector and one Pharisee who went to the temple to pray (Luk. 18:9-14).  Do you know what the Pharisee said in his thanksgiving prayer? He said: “God, I thank you that I am not greedy, dishonest, or an adulterer, like everybody else. I thank you that I am not like that tax collector over there. I fast two days a week, and I give you one tenth of all my income.” Do you believe that this man was thanking God? Not at all. He was thanking himself for he felt that he was a good man. This is superficial thanks.
Third, there are a few people who can sincerely give thanks. I hope you are one them.

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